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ARC MUSIC - World music
Yolgiz (Loneliness) (Uzbek folk music) - 6:09
Gidjak (Improvisation on 'gidjak' fiddle) - 1:55
Morning in the Desert ('Ney' flute solo with orchestra) - 4:40
Chang Melody (Solo on 'chang' dulcimer) - 5:04
Music for Algeria (Uzbek folk melody) - 5:32
Soky nomay bayat, b. Ufary bayat (Male choir) - 6:05
Tanbur (fast Uzbek rhythm played on 4-stringed 'tanbur' lute) - 2:20
Rohat (Pleasure) (Folk song on 2-stringed 'dutar' lute) - 3:22
Chang dozy bayat (from Maqam Navo) - 6:42
Kany (Which Place) (Ney) - 2:05
Usul (Solo on 'doira' frame drum) - 0:37
Gidjak and Surnai (based on Maqam music) - 2:25
Tanavar (Uzbek lyrical music) - 2:09
Birwa-bir (Solo voice with orchestra) - 5:06
Uzbekistan was the half-way point of the fabled "Silk Road" from the Mediterranean to Xian in China. The music which was recorded in 1970 in Tashkent by ethnomusicologist Deben Bhattacharya, recalls the ancient oriental beauty and mystery. Traditional instruments: chang, (dulcimer), rubab (lute), dutar (lute), ney (flute), doira (frame drum) and more.