Katalógové číslo:
GCD C80030
Anonym., Antonio Marques Lésbio, Frei Miguel de Natividade, Freu Manuel dos Santos, Manuel Bothelho de Oliveira, Pedro Vaz Rego, Rogério Goncalves
A Corte Musical, Rogerio Concalves
Rogerio Goncalves: Ponteio barroco
Pedro Vaz Rego: Amante Deus
Anonym: A la villa voy
Manuel Botelho de Oliveira: Ameaças o morrer
Frei Manuel Dos Santos: Mas no ay que admirar
Rogerio Goncalves: Lundú da corte
Frei Miguel Da Natividade: O que assombro
Antonio Marques Lésbio: Ya las sombras de la noche
Antonio Marques Lésbio: Dime como he de portarme
Anonym: Eu e vós, meu doce emprego
Anonym: Pavana
Anonym: Sentada ao pé de hum rochedo
Anonym: Suspenda toda a armonia
In the 16th and 17th centuries, the city of Evora was one of the most important centre of Portuguese polyphony. The so-called "Portuguese school" developed at the city's Gothic cathedral, from which many important musicians emerged who also worked in Spain and in the colonies of the New World.
The cathedral archives, which contain numerous musical treasures, bear eloquent witness to this. Rogerio Goncalves and A Corte Musical have recorded a selection of sacred and secular villancicos from this source on CD.
A colourful instrumental accompaniment, including Spanish harp and guitar, strings and percussion, forms the foundation on which the four singers present this stirring music.
The Villancico was originally a polyphonic Spanish song with a secular subject, but it was soon adopted into the Christian liturgy and frequently used on high feasts or other religious holidays.
The Evora archives contain villancicos with Spanish but also with Portuguese texts, which is a rarity. The alternation between vocal and instrumental music and the contrast between secular and sacred works shows very well the cultural versatility, individuality and expressivity of Portuguese music of the (early) Baroque.