Katalógové číslo:
Khamoro Budapest Band
Khamoro Budapest Band
ARC MUSIC - World music
Le shave/A fiúk/The Boys
O chor/A tolvaj/The Thief
Moro cino gad/Az én kis ingem/My Little Shirt
Pocsok pergetöje
Dukhal moro terno trajo/Fáj az én fiatal életem/My Young Life Hurts
O Baxtalo Rom/A szerencsés/The Lucky One
O zuralo Bashno/A csípös kakas/Pinching Rooster
Am o kasza/Van egy házam/I Have a House
O lilari/A kártyás/The Gambler
O gav/A falu/The Village
Roven more jakha/Sírnak a szemeim/My Eyes Cry
O mato/A részeg/The Drunk Man
Balkan Toxin
Ando gyaro/A gyárban/In the Factory
De man mama but love!/Sok pénzt adj nekem anyám!/Mother Give Me Much Money!
Luludyenge sungasa/Virágok illatával/With Flower Essences
Kanak o rom kamadoj/Mikor a férfi szerelmes/When a Man is in Love
Authentic contemporary Hungarian gypsy music collected from all over the country, as well as original compositions. A wide array of instruments (guitar, pitcher, cajon, darbuka, tapan, spoons, mouth bass, mandolin, violin, bouzouki, cimbalom, double bass and 4 voices) make for an interesting and entertaining album. Informative booklet with original lyrics in Hungarian and Romani, with English translations.